Wixroyd supported the planting of 1,000 climate resilient trees across the UK in 2021 - 2022
Climate resilient treescapes for the future have been created across the UK thanks to support from Wixroyd. In partnership with GreenTheUK and the Royal Forestry Society, these trees have been planted in Norfolk. In this report, learn more about the plans for the individual sites and interesting facts about the species planted at each.
Thanks to the Wixroyd team, these trees will increase each woodland’s resilience to pests, diseases and/or climate change. The sites will transform into habitats where our local wildlife can flourish. Improving biodiversity and carbon sequestration are key benefits of this scheme.
Tree Species Planted:
1,000 trees planted in Norfolk, England
The trees planted here have been specially selected for their genetic ability to survive the predicted weather conditions that will be brought about by climate change over the next 50 -80 years. Douglas fir trees take about 50 years to reach maturity and oak trees will take over 100 years. All this time these trees will be taking carbon from the atmosphere and locking it away. Timber from Douglas fir and oak can be used by future generations for building (where it will continue to store carbon) and new trees can be planted in their place.